Poem in the middle of the night - you are who you are

When every breath feels like nails ripping up your chest
When you thing that death is the thing that would be best
When the darkness laughs at your tears
When you are surrounded by your deepest fears

You need to hold on
Keep beeing strong

Dont even dare touch that knife
Please darling take care of your life
You are stronger than you think
even if it feels like your heart is covered in inc

Keep your belief
Dont cover up your grief
Scream, shout and yell
Break out from that cell
Show that you are a fucking mess
People will understand i guess
And if they dont see your pain
Try again, it wont be in vain

Your arms are filled with scars
But stop hiding behind bars
You are the best
Even if you have a hole in your chest

Trust me, i know
Let it show


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